Friday, 10 September 2021

Only Hindus with Poonol can answer


Only Hindus with Poonol can answer

Dr. Sunil's questions are unanswerable; these questions make you think deeply:


1. Are all the Hindu gods and goddesses of Hinduism born in India?

Why is it that no one outside India knows any of these?


2. Why do all the Indian gods and goddesses have Indian animals as their   vehicles?  Why are there no kangaroos or giraffes found only in a few countries?


3. Why are all Indian gods and goddesses born into royal families? How?

Why was none of these born into poor families or lower castes?


4. Why do the daily activities of Hindu gods and goddesses end with details like bathing in Parvati sandalwood, making laddu for Ganesha and tasting Ganesha laddu? Do all gods die? Otherwise, where are they now? What are you doing now?


5. Myths: The Hindu gods and goddesses described as frequent visitors to the earth. Sometimes giving gifts to some and killing sinners. However, what has happened now? Why are they not coming now?


6. in the Puranas: Whenever sins increase in the world, Hind God kills the anarchist 30-35 years after he was born and raised in a royal family, If Hindu God kills an anarchist, why wait 30-35 years? Why did he not kill the anarchist as soon as he killed his own devotees in Uttarakhand?


7. If Hinduism is ancient one, why not spread it abroad? If Hinduism is the first religion in the world, then the evidence for it must be presented with a Year basis. Why are Islam and Christianity so popular in this world? How did these gain more believers than the most ancient Hindu religion? Why could not the Hindu gods and goddesses prevent this?

8. Polygamy is not been accepted in Hinduism; why did Ram's father marry three women?  If polygamy is been accepted in Hinduism, why do not marry more than one like Hind God. Apart from that, why do those who say Bharat Mata ki Jai, conspire to degrade femininity with inferior quality of thinking and rape. What Hinduism said to commit violence? If so, why teach about heaven?

Why preach about piety? Why do Agoris wander in search of bliss and become addicted to drugs?


9. Parvati: He created a man who was dirty enough (now distorted to be sandalwood) from her dirty body element so that others would not see her bathing in the pool and was appointed as a guard. At that time, Lord Shiva comes there. The guard formed by the dirty body element, block Shiva not enter;

Both argued: Eventually Shiva cuts off his head with his sword. If Parvati was Goddess, she might know that the guardian would be beheaded in a few more minutes she created.  Shiva, who beheaded the guard, created by Parvati, what kind of Hindu god that he could not fit the same head again? Why cut off the head of an elephant and attach it to the body? How does the head of an elephant match the body of a human?


10. If non-vegetarian food is not allowed in Hinduism, why did Rama go hunting for the golden deer? One who has to save a life, is it right to kill a deer?

What was the diet of the Aryans who invaded India with modern tricks?


11. If Rama is Hindu God, why is it not known that the elixir is in Ravana's stomach? Rama could not have won against Ravana if Ravana's family had not informed him. When Rama's wife Sita was in Sri Lanka under the supervision of Ravana; Hindu God Rama had doubts about his wife Sita.

Respect the femininity in India, how did Rama fire test for Sita’s chastity:

Is it Right to test for a woman's chastity to burn the bark of a green banana tree.

Ordinary husband may be skeptical about chastity without trusting his wife Sita, but can God be skeptical? Is this the position of the Hindu God?

Now why instead of a fiery test, forcibly humiliated and set on fire alive?  Is that right in terms of Hindu Dharma?


12. How can Krishna, who sees the bathing girls illicitly, be considered as Hindu God? Nowadays, if an ordinary man does this, would we not say that he is inferior? So how can Krishna be said to be God?


13. Why are there so many rapists among Hindus?


14. Why do Hindus worship Shiva's penis? Why are the other elements not worthy of worship?  According to world custom, a woman becomes pregnant by a man and gives birth to a child. But in Hindus how can a child born to a man and a man?


15. The temple walls in Khajuraho have lustful sculptures. Can such places be called sacred temples? Is sexual intercourse in the place of worship? Or should it be worshiped?


16. Which is correct, Hindu or Hindutva? When did Hinduism start in India?

RSS started only after 1926 It was only after 1952 (1980) that the BJP started under the leadership of the Vajpayee.

Veganism, Vaishnavism, Jainism and Buddhism were the only religions in Indian history during the reigns of the Persians, Romans, Mughals and the British. No other native religion.


No religion or language can claim the right to India,

Since India was under the rule of the Roman Empire, the current government-owned calendar system belongs to the Romans.

The annual financial statement is for March. Holiday Sunday of the week. In Hinduism, there are generally biological development programs for the people and none of the above. The infiltration of the alien Aryans can be traced back to the Sindus Valley Civilization;

Aryans who entered as refugees with modern tricks given by Manu neethee.

The word Hinduism was first coined from the English word Hindu Law.

Hindutva is the Sanskrit word used for the English word Hinduism.

(Hindutva (Devanagari: हिन्दुत्, "Hinduness", a word coined by Traitor Vinayak Damodar savarkar in his 1923 pamphlet entitled Hindutva: who is a Hindu?) is the set of movements advocating Hindu nationalism in India. The BJP adopted it as it's official ideology in 1989)


Chromatography says According to the 10 doctrines of Hinduism who does not wear a poonul is a not Hindu; others are Sutras. Indian People, declare themselves as Hindu, is not Hindu Literally.


Now the people of 36 states are Indians. I am Indian; Who are you (alien Aryan)?

Let the Hindus who is wearing the poonul, answer these first !!!